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A sneak peak at our new Analyst Desk

Hello NA LCS fans, I’m Arthur “theMay0r” Chandra, NA LCS Broadcast Producer, back to share some details around our new Analyst Desk. At the beginning of the year, we changed who you see at the desk from a rotating group of analysts with the permanent team of Dash, Mark Z, and Jatt to improve the storytelling and discussion around the NA LCS.

Our old Analyst Desk studio was a small space that felt like more a closet than a sound stage. It was built from necessity when the NA LCS had to dual stream the double Bo3 format. While the permanent team and the Countdown added a lot of new content to our broadcast, we wanted to unlock more opportunities for storytelling, discussion, and analysis through our new space. During the Spring Split, we tore down the old Battle Theater and designed a brand new multipurpose Analyst Desk space for Summer Split.

We spend plenty of time there and we were excited to buff it to be more badass. The Analyst Desk is now a place we are proud to share rather than a space that feels like an afterthought. I’m so f@*!ing excited to share it with all of you on broadcast. 

First, here’s our analyst desk closet…

2018 NA LCS Old Analyst Desk

2018 NA LCS Analyst Desk

The space was so small and the height of the lights made using our telestrator impossible without glare. The space also maxed out at three people, so that limited the kinds of conversations we could have, only having two analyst at one time with our host.

So before I talk more about the new space, let’s check out the over head render that we made during the design process. All and all, the new analyst space took about 6 months to design and build.

2018 NA LCS Analyst Desk Rendering

  • Three designated areas to give us a dynamic space to tell cool stories.

2018 NA LCS Analyst Desk - Summer Split

  • The State Farm Analyst Desk seats 4 comfortably and will be the home of NA LCS Countdown, NA LCS post game coverage, and this split we will once again invite Pro Players to come and chat with us about how their split is going.
  • 63 LED panels in total  (insert your own joke about blue LEDs)

2018 NA LCS - The Dive Set

2018 NA LCS - Analyst Desk Telestrator

  • 75 inch touch screen telestrator, pause, play, draw. I am super excited to see how our analyst can break down any aspect of the game.
  • B.F.T.S. (Best Friend Testing Station) with custom built machines that our guests can use to show us how they play. Practice tool enabled with the potential of some salty 1v1s.

2018 NA LCS - The Countdown Set

  • We designed an additional interview space for Ovilee to chat with pros, coaches, and teams during the broadcast. 

Check out the debut of the new State Farm Analyst Desk during opening weekend. If you have any feedback on the analyst desk, comment below or share them with me on Twitter (@ArthurChandra).

Arthur “theMay0r” Chandra is a Broadcast Producer for the NA LCS and international events. He’s a Bot Lane main who is currently learning how to play Kai’sa. While away from the office he loves spending time cooking for his friends and snowboarding. If you have broadcast feedback or questions, reach out to him on Twitter (@ArthurChandra) or you may see him in the Production Trash Talk and Appreciation Threads (yes, our producers read them all).

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Jersey Mike’s Subs joins as the latest NA LCS sponsor