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Pros Ask the Pros: All-Star Edition

We gave your All-Star pros the opportunity to pick the brains of their international peers

While we normally let you Ask the Pros questions, this time around, we gave your All-Star pros the opportunity to pick the brains of their international peers. Come see what the pros wanted to know about their fellow All-Stars below.

Doublelift to Uzi: What do you think of the 5.23 Patch? Do you think ADCs are more skillful? Do they have more impact?

Uzi: ADCs are more OP than before. Because there are a bunch of OP items, we can carry easier. I like it!

Bjergsen to Rookie: Have you tried Frost Queen’s Claim and what do you think of it?

Rookie: I don’t like it, because it has no damage and I can’t solo kill enemies easy with it.

Aphromoo to PYL: Which botlane did you like playing against most in 2015?

PYL: I liked playing against the EDG bot lane (Deft and Meiko) most, but I want to play against the CLG bot lane! [laughs]

PYL to RekklesWho is the best support in EU?

RekklesDoes Yellowstar count? Not anymore? Then Mithy.

Koro1 to HuniWhich three champions are the most OP in top lane?

HuniFioraHecarim, and Malphite. :^)

KaSing to MaRinWhat do you use for your hair?

MaRin: [laughs] Nothing! I don’t use anything!

Score to Amazing: How much of your great team atmosphere is real? Do you really love each other that much? Do you have so much fun?

Amazing: In general, we have a good atmosphere. We can talk about our issues and that’s already better than 90% of teams. When we’re playing and we’re actually playing well, we’re enjoying the game a lot together. We like to go out together, we like to do stuff, and it came pretty naturally actually. We like one another — don’t love! — but like.

Amazing to Faker: What do you think sets you apart from every other player? What makes you so special?

Faker: I think, the first thing is that I just enjoy playing the game more than other players. I think what makes me special is that I play at my best every time I play, even in practice.

Amazing to Faker: How did you never lose trust in SKT as an organization? Did you ever feel like SKT was not the right organization for you?

Faker: There was no reason to leave SKT. They helped make me a champion and gave me a championship, so I had faith we could win again.

Smurf to DoubleliftNA teams’ performance at Worlds weren’t up to my expectations. And you managed to lose a game to the IWC region. Was that a one-of-a-kind exception, or do you think it was a sign of a trend?

DoubleliftI think that was just the KaBuM vs. Alliance sort of thing, where we might have been tilted a little bit. I think for us, we just lost our chance to make it out of Groups, so everyone was really demoralized. Maybe not super focused on the game, just caught up in our emotions. It was just a really awful game and we got outplayed. It felt pretty bad and we deserved all of the criticism.

Smurf to DoubleliftHow do you think the story will unfold in this tournament? Will we see retribution?

Doublelift: We definitely should be able to beat the Wildcard team to be honest. Because there’s not a lot of pressure in this event, we can play how we normally would without any sort of emotional blinding. But we just lost to EU, so that feels bad, but whatever! We can brush it off and pretend like it didn’t matter. [Looks at Amazing] Because it didn’t!

Rekkles to MadLife/PraY: What’s it like to play together after a few years apart? Since they played at Season 3 All-Stars together.

MadLife: It’s nice to be on another All Star team with PraY.

MadLife to Doublelift: Have you gotten better at Korean? When are you going to learn?

DoubleliftOMG. Actually, I was pretty good at Korean when I lived there all the time. But now, I suck because I don’t have any Korean friends. Maybe MadLife wants to be my Korean friend so I can practice?

Koro1 to Doublelift: Are you afraid of Uzi?

DoubleliftOf course not! He’s pretty good, but he’s a tilter, unlike me. I’m un-tiltable. …Just kidding.

The 2015 All-Star Event continues this weekend, starting at 3PM PT, right here on Lolesports

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Things we learned in 2015 and at All-Star