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Competitive Ruling: Stixxay

Stixxay has been demonstrating toxic in-game behavior including harassment and verbal abuse of fellow players.

Trevor “Stixxay” Hayes was recently submitted by Counter Logic Gaming as a proposed addition to their LCS roster. During the rigorous vetting process of all prospective LCS participants, it came to light that Stixxay has been demonstrating toxic in-game behavior. This behavior included, but was not limited to, in-game harassment, and verbal abuse of fellow players.

Stixxay divides his time in-game between two accounts. On his main account, he has been reported in just under 10% of games. However, he has what can only be considered to be a rage account: an account he plays on fairly infrequently, but consistently uses to behave in an abusive manner to fellow players. Over the last month he has been reported in over 55% of games on his less-used account. Between both of his accounts, he is in the most toxic 1.5% of all players.


Section 10.2.8 Player Behavior Investigation

If LCS or Riot determines that a Team or Team Member has violated the Summoner’s Code, the LoL Terms of Service, or other rules of LoL, LCS officials may assign penalties at their sole discretion.


Stixxay has violated rule 10.2.8 of the LCS ruleset and is subject to penalties.


Stixxay is:

  • Suspended from all Riot-affiliated League of Legends competition for a period of two weeks. For the avoidance of doubt, this period lasts from June 4, 2015 through June 17, 2015.


When considering cases of in-game behavior, it is important to consider all factors when making a full decision. Stixxay’s behavior was not as severe as other cases of behavior-related competitive rulings – the behavior has been occurring over a shorter period of time, resulted in fewer reports, and did not additionally contain cases of racism or other extreme abuse. However, it is still below our standards for professional players. We will be carefully monitoring Stixxay’s in-game behavior, and if he fails to show improvement he will face additional time away from the League.

The fact that the majority of inappropriate behavior was on an alternate account was not factored into the decision. The behavior standards are not for show – behaving in an abusive manner to other players is unacceptable for pro players, whether others know it’s them or not.

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Competitive Ruling: Martin “Deficio” Lynge and Karl “Dentist” Krey