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What was your favorite moment from the 2015 NA LCS Spring Split?

Lolesports caught up with a few players, casters, and LCS fans to take a look back at what made this split so memorable.

We made it! The regular season of the 2015 NA LCS Spring Split has finally come to a close. But before the teams head to Playoffs and beyond, we caught up with a few players, LCS fans, and casters to take a look back at what made this split so memorable.

Going Ballistic

One moment that Counter Logic Gaming’s Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng remembers fondly is from all the way back in Week 2 against Team Impulse when he and Zaqueri “Aphromoo” Black utilized the synergy of Blitzcrank’s Rocket Grab and Kalista’s Fate’s Call in perfect unison to land what is now known simply as the “Balista” combo. “That was pretty sick,” laughs Doublelift. “It was something we had been practicing for weeks and weeks and when we pulled it off multiple times in the same game, it was really satisfying.”

Fans of CLG loved the play as well, with Luke “BlackAttack” Nowak naming it as his favorite moment of the split. “It just was a great use of the combo to utilize their skills. It’s really hard to pull off!” he said.

And how did CLG’s bottom lane duo feel after they pulled it off? “No one expects to get pulled 1,500 range and instantly die. XiaoWeiXiao panic flashed because he didn’t know what happened,” said Doublelift. “It was so funny. We just started laughing. After that, Aphro and I knew we’re on the same page again and this [was] going to be a good split for us.”

Tough Love

Huge plays and awe-inspiring combos definitely led to plenty of excitement this split, but it wasn’t always winning that had the biggest impact on some of our NA LCS pros.

“The most memorable games have just been ones that we’ve lost,” says Cloud9’s AD carry Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi, “because it’s kind of helped us get better as a team.” He explains how his team’s 1-3 start this split really turned the squad on their head and forced them to think a lot about what they were doing. “[We] kept losing games, doing the same stuff, but it wasn’t because the other team was so good. It was because we were playing worse. And I think making us lose is the most memorable because it helped kick us forward and understand what we need to do to get better.”

Never Give Up

Jason “WildTurtle” Tran’s favorite moment also came from a loss, one of the few Team SoloMid suffered all split. “The Jinx pentakill was pretty cool!” he says, thinking back to his match against Team Liquid in Week 5. “Basically Team Liquid took a very long time to end and we were able to scale to 40-50 minutes, and at 40-50 minutes, Jinx is the best late game carry. They just messed up by trying to kill Bjergsen instead of me in one fight and then I just got to clean up everything and I got a pentakill, which was pretty crazy!”

TSM superfan Mike “Dominiion” Danko loved the pentakill almost as much as Wildturtle did. “Just watching [Wildturtle] chase everybody down on Jinx was ridiculous!” he exclaimed outside of the NA LCS studio. “Then scumbag Dyrus had to steal the second penta on Rumble. That was my favorite moment of the whole split.”

All We Need is Teamwork

Marcus “Dyrus” Hill himself didn’t take the opportunity to call out any of his own plays. Instead, he took time to praise his entire team for how much they’ve leveled up over the 2015 Spring Split. “What I’m proud of is how much we’ve improved as a team and how much we’ve grown,” he explains. “We don’t argue with each other so much to where we start hating each other. We argue just enough where we both have the same goal of just winning. And that’s what I’m proud of, the growth of our team.”

Calling the Shots

Our NA LCS casters also grew a lot this split. Joshua “Jatt” Leesman and David “Phreak” Turley have spent dozens of hours analyzing the action this season, and they’ve walked away with a few memorable moments of their own.

“My favorite moment was the first CLG vs. TSM game,” says Jatt, his face lighting up as he remembers the high energy in the studio from when the rivals first faced off this split. “It was a throwback to the very start of League of Legends,” he says. For Jatt, “The fact that they were the two best teams in North America, and not only was I excited, but everyone was excited,” made the incredibly close match all the more memorable.

Phreak calls out another match, the epic 29 minute beat down Team Impulse handed Gravity in Week 5, as his favorite. “For the first time, we finally saw Impulse coming together as a team instead of a bunch of Solo Q all-stars. They had a comp that had to win fast and early, and they absolutely crushed it. They had one of the fastest wins all split long, one of the most impressive ones to boot as well. That was when [I thought] these guys are a real team, this is the real deal. Impulse are going to make a really big surge. And they did!”

And that brings us back to you. Whether it was a big play, team bonding, or something else entirely, what was your favorite part of the 2015 NA LCS Spring Split? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to check back to Lolesports next weekend when the Playoff action kicks off!

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