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NA LCS Competitive Ruling – Andy “Reginald” Dinh

TSM announced Lustboy as their starting support player before submitting the required paperwork and without final League approval.

Owner: Andy “Reginald” Dinh
Team: TSM
Region: North America
Date of Ruling: 8/14/14
Subject: Fine; Violation of LCS Ruleset


Over the course of the the 2013 and 2014 Seasons, we have reminded LCS teams multiple times that they are not permitted to announce the addition of new players to their team before said players have been approved by the League. All players must go through extensive behavior checks before receiving approval, and our paramount concern here is that a player would be announced by a team only to be declined by the League. Premature announcements can upset fans and set false expectations that ineligible or toxic players will be permitted to play in the League.

On July 20, LCS was notified that TSM desired to bring Lustboy onto their roster. We immediately instructed TSM not to announce the acquisition until they received final LCS approval. On July 22, TSM announced Lustboy as their starting support player before submitting the required paperwork and without final League approval. TSM disregarded the direct instructions of an LCS official around this announcement.

TSM submitted the roster change paperwork for Lustboy on July 22 after their announcement went live. LCS completed the necessary behavior checks and notified TSM of the final approval of Lustboy being able to participate in the LCS that same day.

Relevant Rules

Section 10.2.14 of the official LCS ruleset states:
No Team Member may refuse or fail to apply the instructions or decisions of LCS officials.


Dinh has violated rule 10.2.14 of the League Championship Series ruleset and will be subject to penalties.

Competitive Penalties

Dinh is fined:
$2000 USD

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League of Legends Competition Ruling – Counter Logic Gaming