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League of Legends Competition Ruling – Michael “Odee” O’Dell

In late May, O’Dell was observed using offensive and vulgar language on a popular online streaming platform.

Owner: Michael O’Dell / Odee
Region: North America
Date of Ruling: 6/4/14
Subject: Fine; Violation of LCS Ruleset


In late May, O’Dell was observed using offensive and vulgar language on a popular online streaming platform. We hold LCS owners to the same standards of sportsmanship and respect that we ask from players and consider this a clear infraction of that standard.

Additionally, to prevent his outburst from being censored by the moderators, O’Dell threatened to block press access to the team. This behavior is unprofessional, and unbecoming of an LCS owner.


Section 10.2.9 of the official LCS ruleset states:

A Team Member may not engage in any activity which is deemed by the LCS to be immoral, disgraceful, or contrary to conventional standards of proper ethical behavior.


O’Dell has violated rule 10.2.9 of the League Championship Series ruleset and will be subject to penalties.


O’Dell is:

  • Fined $1000 USD
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Pentakill: Smite and Ignite