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Notes from the All-Star Shanghai Press Conference

Questions and answers from the All-Star press conference.

North America

Q: Chaox is here in China. Have you contacted him since he left?*

Xpecial: I haven’t seen him yet.

Dyrus: He said he was going to see us at All-Stars.

* Chaox made an appearance after the press conference.

Q: If you had to name one, who would be the biggest threat on the Chinese All-Star team?

Doublelift: Yeah, my team sucks. I think Misaya’s the strongest, most consistent player on the team.

Dyrus: I give my vote to Misaya too.

SaintVicious: I’m surprised Doublelift didn’t say WeiXiao because of their rivalry. I’m going to say WeiXiao.

Xpecial: I think PDD’s one of the biggest threats.

Doublelift: Saint’s smiting’s going to be our biggest problem!

Q: What were the main things you worked on during your boot camp?

SaintVicious: The main thing for us was to work on communication. Cohesion is the most important thing.

Scarra: [Curse Team Manager] LiQuiD helped bring in analysis and research on the teams.

Xpecial: We noticed that the Chinese teams were weak against aggressive play styles. We can exploit that by being aggressive early on. We feel the boot camp was really worthwhile.

Q: Out of the four other All-Star teams, who do you fear the most and why?

SaintVicious: I gotta say ourselves. At the end of the day, the team that’ll beat us is us.

South-East Asia

Q: Do you feel that the world championship title puts extra pressure on you? Who is your fiercest competitor, and what do you wish to achieve from the All-Star event?

Stanley: Pressure doesn’t come so much from our championship title as it does from the fans that voted us in. The biggest threat is from the Korean team, but we don’t have any specific goals.

Q: The SEA team members come from different countries. Are there any communication problems?

MiSTakE: Actually, both Chawy and HarLeLuYaR speak a little Chinese. In training, we speak Mandarin. Of course, since they don’t speak it as well, their reaction won’t be as fast and we’ve adjusted our play style to compensate.

Q: HarLeLuYaR, you’re known for a very aggressive jungle, but so are your opponents. How will you approach the matchup?

HarLeLuYaR: If I meet strong enemies, I’ll just be even more aggressive!

Q: From which position, and which team, will be your strongest opponent?

Toyz: Ambition and Alex.

HarLeLuYaR: Clearlove (Troll) and inSec

Stanley: PDD and sOAZ, but sOAZ may have some problems.

Mistake: Madlife.

Chawy: Doublelift.

Q: Stanley, you’re getting a championship ring due to being on TPA. Are you getting another one?

Stanley: Of course! I want rings on all five fingers!


Q: Out of all the All-Star teams, Korea’s considered the strongest. For you guys, who will be the strongest opponents?

Ambition: The Chinese team is the best. We also lack data on SEA, so those two are the biggest threats.

Q: You’re all on different teams. How does it feel to work together? Also, you promised to dance to Psy’s “Gentleman” if you win – will this happen? Finally, when you return to your teams, will you use your info on each other’s strengths and weaknesses?

PraY: We’re pretty excited to play together. I was only speaking for myself about Psy, but if my teammates are willing, then yes. As for strengths and weaknesses, since we’re fighting for an additional seed at the world championship, we’re holding nothing back.

Q: How has your team worked on cohesion? Play together, ate together, etc?

Reach (coach): Since they were on different teams, they weren’t familiar with each other and were initially not too friendly. But they’ve bonded over cup ramen and now their teamwork is strong.

Q: How does inSec plan to solve the Diamond problem? Also, PraY said he wanted to eat Chinese cuisine while in Shanghai – will he be feasting on China’s bot lane this week, or will Weixiaoxiaoxiao give him a case of indigestion?

inSec: We’ve not practiced specifically against him, but I’ve played against him at a global competition once and felt that my basics were definitely weaker than his. So I’ve focused on polishing my basics.

PraY: The Chinese bot lane is definitely strong, and we regard them as a huge threat. It’ll definitely be a challenge.

Q: Reach, why did you switch from being a pro player to coach?

Reach: While I was a pro, I’ve always imagined what it’d be like to lead a team. Now I’m learning that it isn’t easy!

Q: It seems like the team’s not all on the same page about dancing “Gentleman” if they win.

Reach: I promise they will.


Q: World Elite and Invictus Gaming are rivals. Has it been difficult to form as one team and practice together?

Misaya: Since our tournament’s almost over, we took a lot of time to practice together and are performing pretty well.

Q: WE and iG have very different play styles. Do you have problems cooperating?

WeiXiao: My regular support has a more stable kind of play, and XiaoXiao is really aggressive. He’s scared me a few times, but we’re on the same page now.

Q: Who is the team’s shotcaller? Also, Troll, what do you think of Diamond as a player?

XiaoXiao: Our calls are in three steps: me in the early game, Misaya and Troll mid-game, and WeiXiao at the end.

Troll: I really like to watch Diamond play, so I understand a lot about him. He’s definitely one of the best junglers in the world.

Q: Which top laner is the strongest, and what is your goal for the all-star match?

PDD: Every top lane has a different style. SOAZ has excellent counterpicking, and Stanley has immense personal skill. The strongest opponent’ll be Shy, as he performs really well during a match. My only goal is to win.


Q: Will we see unusual champions from Diamond? Who are your strongest opponents in each lane?

Diamond: Nobody can play well against unexpected champions, but I’m unsure it’ll work against the best players. I think I’ll be trying a new strategy this week.

Q: There was some trouble getting sOAZ into the country. Will your lack of training have influence on your upcoming matches?

sOAZ: Of course, as we’ve missed four days of practice. It’s worse for us and better for the other teams, but we’ll talk more today and see what we can do against the Koreans.

Q: Who can’t you wait to play? Who excites you to meet up against and crush?

Yellowpete: I’ve played against Doublelift a lot in the past, when we were on the same team, and he’s kinda been seen as my counterpart. It’d be nice to have an EU vs NA matchup to do it again.

Alex: I want to play against a player that’s not here, and think he’s one of the most interesting players to watch. I want to play against Faker from SKT T1-2.

Q: EU vs Korea in the first match. How have you prepared? And do you plan on banning Blitz against Madlife?

EDward: Blitzcrank is nothing special. We can pick it ourselves. Korea isn’t the strongest team in the world, and we can beat them.

Q: Alex, how do you feel about going up against Toyz again?

Alex Ich: The problem is that Toyz plays heroes like Froggen does, farming a lot. But I think he’s got some problems in S3, and I don’t think TPA are that strong now.

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All You Need To Know About All-Star Shanghai 2013